
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Be StROnG.. :))

In this world that surrounds us
We sometimes brake down and fall
Those who stand above us
Can make us seem so small

We tremble under the weight
Of the problems that hold us down
And when we start to collapse
There seems to be no one around

We try to fight in this world
That always seems to fight back
Sometimes we’re not strong enough though
There are too many things we lack

We’ll hideaway in corners
Put upon ourselves pain
But there’s no escape from this life
We all must suffer the same

But although we may struggle
And yes we all do fall
I’ll stand by your side
I’ll stay with you through it all

And if you start to tremble
Or even brake down
I’m your shoulder to cry on
I’ll always be around

We all have our faults
Are up and are downs
We can’t always smile all the time
Everyone has to frown

No, no one’s perfect
And no one is the same
We’re in this world together
We all play the same game

If we stick together
No matter what to come
With a little faith and hope
Anything can be done

We all get those bad times
Each and every one of us
But I promise it will get better
Just don’t you give up

But when you feel like you want too
Please just remember this
You can die at any time
But it takes a strong person to live

Thursday, May 20, 2010


The "Exmor R" CMOS sensor delivers stunning low-light performance, with Handheld Twilight mode you can capture cleaner and sharper night shots. Or take breathtaking panoramic shot easily with Sweep Panorama.
  • 10.2 Mega Pixels "Exmor R" CMOS sensor
  • Handheld Twilight
  • Sweep Panorama
  • 14.1mm ultra slim camera body (exclude lens cover)
  • Anti-Motion Blur
  • 10fps high speed continuous shooting

"Exmor R" CMOS Sensor
Featuring a back-illuminated design that maximises and efficiently utilises the amount of light received, making it twice as sensitive as conventional CMOS sensor. You can enjoy cleaner and higher definition images with less noise when shooting in dark environment such as night scenes.

Sweep Panorama
Sweep your camera horizontally to create stunning landscape shots, or vertically to capture tall object like building. Photos are taken at 10 frames per second and automatically assembled to create a single breathtaking panoramic picture.

Handheld Twilight
Capture cleaner and sharper images in low light, without flash or tripod. The camera captures six images in a fraction of a second with one press of the shutter, and combines the data from all six to create a single image of extraordinary detail and low noise.

Intelligent Auto Mode
Capture the perfect shot with ease with the Intelligent Auto (iAuto) mode. Automatically determining the optimised settings for different scenes, iAuto mode combines the innovative technologies of Intelligent Scene Recognition, Face Detection and Smile shutter to ensure that every shot is perfect, regardless of the shooting environment.

Intelligent Scene Recognition
Let the camera detect between the different types of scenes, automatically selecting the optimum settings for each situation. With this mode, shooting in varied situation is a breeze.

High Definition Movie Recording
Now you can capture not only amazing pictures, but also brilliant videos. These movie files, which can be handled as easily as still images, can be viewed on a HDTV and are also perfect for sharing with friends by uploading to Internet sharing sites.

Smile Shutter
Designed to catch the most dazzling smiles from your subjects. This innovative feature captures all your happy moments by automatically taking pictures only when the person is smiling. You can even select adult or child priority and choose the smile detection sensitivity level to capture the desired smile.

With Intelligent Auto Mode on, Smile Shutter can now be used together with the Intelligent Scene Recognition technology. This means you can always capture beautiful smiles even in difficult conditions.

gorgeous aren't they?! go grab one peeps!!!!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

h0W To Do A SiMpLe MaNiCuRe

nak kuku cantik macam nie x??sila bersabar & scroll ke bawah tuk mengetahui caranya..

manicure is a like a c0mm0n thinky 4 w0man and of c0urse 4 w0men wh0 cares ab0ut being a w0men
maybe owang akan cakap"alah..kuku je, bukan owang nk tgk p0n"ehh!!cpe kate owang x nk tgk.
memangla owang xkn tgk as in bt0l2 tgk p mstila s0metimes, d0wang akan perasan kuku ko yang penuh
dgn k0t0ran yg itam2 2.euuww!!msti d0wang xkn de selera mkn klu tgk kuku kowang..jagela ckit cyg oi!!aq x de la selalu wt manicure nie p adelah 0ne a m0nth la so ape yg m'butkan manicure sgt simple. X yah g kedi pon da leh wt cuz it so simple. Bahan yg diperlukn p0n x bnyk. Aq punye simple manicure hnye m'rlukn 3 step shje,diulangi 3 STEP ONLY!! 3 step yg simple 2 ialah : membentuk, melembut & mengilat. Ya! just 3 simple step only.

1) Membentuk : k0wang ambek penyepit kuku Kan selalu sepit kuku ade pengikirkn? Kowang x kikir 2 pe? haih!! tmpt yg diattach sepit kuku 2 la. Yg kegunaan tok kikis kuku 2, get it? Kowang bnde 2, kikis kuku ko jdi bentuk petak p klu ko x suke petak ko wt la bentuk bujur ke ape ke ok p kuku lg cntek klu wt bentuk petak. Ko kikir kuku ko secare sehala kebahagian tengah pas 2 kikir bhgian tepi kuku ko m'bntuk lengkungan, ok? slow2 wt t klu rushing x psl2 kuku k0wang senget lak. Jgn nk merengek2 cm dak kecik lak klu kuku k0wang senget t ok? Nie 1 AMARAN keras!!

2) Melembut : Nak lembutkn kuku?? k0wang perlukn bhn2 sprti : kayu kecil or pencungkil gigi pon bleh gak, limau nipis or minyak zaitun, natural cuticle softener dan scrub badan. First step k0wang rendam
kuku k0wag ( i mean tangan k0wangla ) dlm air suam + limau nipis or minyak zaitun, rendamlah berape lame k0wang suke ea, pas 2 keringkan tngn n bersihkn celah2 kuku dgn kayu kecik (gune pencungkil gigi pon leh gak) natural cuticle softener 2 klu x de p0n x pe gak coz k0wang da rendam ngan air suam, so x yah membazir nk bli bende alah 2 ok? pas 2 ambek scrub and scrubla tangan k0wang 2. Scrub 2 just nk mengelupas and lembutkn tangan k0wang je. Klu x nk wt pon x pe.

3) Mengilat : tok step nie k0wang kena g bli nail buffer.So k0wang leh la kilatkan kuku k0wang sekilat mane yg k0wang nk p x leh kilatkn kuku gune bende 2 selalu t kuku k0wang makin nipis so wt la sebulan sekali or 2 mnggu sekali.

4) Mewarna : Eh!Eh! Asal tetibe de step ke-4 nie? Haih! Nie step tmbhn je.Actually aq x mention coz step nie x sesuai tok muslim iaitu mewarne kuku, owang muslim jgn wt k!! T x leh solat lak p klu yg pmpuan muslim nk wt gak leh kot ( p kena tnye pndpt ulama k coz aq x taw ) p pade wktu mengambak je taw ;) n tok non-muslim leh la wt p pastikan k0wang x lupe sapu base coat dlu tuk elakn kuku k0wang jdi
kekuningan pas pewarne ditangglkn n pastikn spu base coat n pewarne selari ye, jgn kejap ke kiri n kejap ke kanan t kuku k0wang nmpk c0m0t n h0d0h.

klu nk wt yg mcm dibawah nie..k0wang kena g kedai coz aq x taw nk ajar..hehehe :))

nota kaki : sila pastikan kuku k0wang pendek n rapi coz risiko kuku panjang tok patah adalah tinggi pas 2 daki k0t0ran p0n senang nk melekat k.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Pada 1 ari disekolah, se0wang murid bertanya pada gurunya. Ketika 2 gurunya sedang mengajar mengenai kasih sayang.

Pelajar : "Cikgu, mcm mane kite nk pilih sseowang yg terbaek sbg owang yg kite sayang? Mcm mane nk jage kasih syang 2 supaya berkekalan? "

Cikgu : "Ok skrg kamu ikot ape yg sye arahkan. Kamu pergi ke padang. Kamu berjalan di atas rumput sambil memandang rumput dihdpn kamu. Pilih yang PALING CANTIK tnpa menoleh ke belakang lg wlupon skali. Dan petik rumpot yg PALING CANTIK sekali dan bawa ke kelas.

Apabila pelajar trsebut pulang ke kelas, tiada sehelai rumput pon ditgnye.

Cikgu : "Kenape tiada rumput yg dipilih?"

Pelajar : "Tadi semase sye brjln, sye crilah rumput yg pling cantik. Memang ade bnyk rumpot yg cntik p cikgu kata petik yg PALING CANTIK, maka saye pon trus brjln kedpn smbil mncri yg paling cntik tnpe mnoleh ke belakang lg p smpi dipnghujung pdg, sye x jmpe pon yg pling cntik. Mgkin ade diantara yg dblkg sye tdi adelah rmput yg pling cntik p cikgu ckp x boleh mnoleh ke belakang lg, jdi tiade lah rmput yg bleh sye petik. "

Cikgu : " Ya 2 lah jwpnye. Mknanye apabila kite tlh brjmpe dgn ssowang yg kte sayang, jgnlah kte mncri lg yg lbih baek dri 2. Kte ptot hrgai owang yg berade di depan kite sebaik2nye, Jgn kite mnoleh ke blkg lg krne yg brlaku ttp da brlku sm0ge yg berlalu xkn berulag lg. Dan igtlah owang yg pling kite sayang 2 lah yg PALING CANTIK dan PALING BAIK. Maupon ikotkan bnyk lg yg cnti dan baik spti rumput.

ladybird say : so hargailah betape pentingnye owang yg pernah hadir dlm hidup anda!!!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

YanG dI CaRi..♥♥

Aq mencari pemimpin yang dapat memimpin aq yang lemah nie..
Aq mencari pemimpin yang sama-sama berjalan denganku dijalanNya

Yang dicari,
Walau bukan putera raja,
Biarlah putera agama.

Yang diimpi,
Biarlah tak punya rupa,
Asalkan sedap mata memandang.

Yang dinilai,
Bukan sempurna sifat jasmani,
Asalkan sihat rohani sempurna hati.

Yang diharap,
Bukan jihad pada semangat,
Asalkan perjuangan ada matlamat.

Yang datang,
Tak perlu rijal yang gemilang,
Kerana anak srikandi dengan silam yang kelam.

Yang dinanti,
Bukan lamaran dengan permata,
Cukuplah akad dan janji setia

Dan yang akan terjadi
Kena redha
Andai tak sama kehedak hati
Kena redha ketentuan ilahi
Itulah ketentuan sejak azali.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

2nd Bl0G

well diz blog is my 2nd blog. my first blog actually i really
dont remember my username n pass.
Too long not open dat blog.Lost in my memory!!huhuhu..
actually x taw npe nk create blog again, tbe2 je trase trigin
coz tgk owang laen create blog.Itz like d place that u can
release ur tension n express ur felling..hehehe
so welcome 2 my blog n i'm gonna to start blogging!
if u got boring with my words, well ignore it coz
i love talking about myself..hehehe